Friday 3 January 2014

2014 Declutter 52 things in 52 weeks challenge

Hi All

The Organised Housewife Declutter 52 Things in 52 Weeks Challenge

I am back today with my first organisational post! I always have 'to get the house more organised' as one of my New Year's Resolutions and this year I am determined to sort out a system where I will keep this up all year round! I often have a good sort out and clean up but it never stays like that and so I really want to work on this during 2014. Hence why I have been on the hunt for some motivation and inspiration from various Organisation Blogs! 

The '2014 Declutter 52 things in 52 weeks challenge' comes from 'The Organised Housewife' and her fabulous blog. Katrina, who is the owner of the blog, has asked to start off by setting some goals to help her help us, but also to remind us of what our focus should be over the year! Here is my response to her request from her blog post-click on the image above if you wish to take a look at the original post!

-I want to feel relaxed, organised and comfortable while I’m at home.
-I want to spend more time with my husband and soon to be born baby!
-I want an area of the home where I can work without it taking over my house (when I return next year after maternity leave)
-I want to organise the wardrobe first.
-I always lose important documents.
-I want to be organised by 1st November 2014.
-The most disorganised cupboard in my home is my under the stairs junk cupboard.
-Something that I don’t need anymore , but am having trouble parting with are keepsakes from childhood/old uni work.

The first task is to declutter your noticeboard etc.-well we don't actually have one but I have made sure our calendars are up ready to use properly this year. We always have this pinned up in the kitchen-my Mum has always had her noticeboard/calendar in the kitchen which is the reason for the choice of location! So there is no clutter, just simply our calendars to try and keep us organised!

A new task will be updated each week and I will try to blog my progress throughout the year. However, I really recommend you going and taking up the challenge or at the very least, checking out the blog which has loads of great hints and tips! I'm also trying to keep up with daily tasks that Katrina posts on Facebook-so far I have sorted out my planner (post still to come on this) and written out all of my birthday cards for January and February! Thanks for the inspiration!

Hope you will check it out and that your resolutions are still going well! 

Thanks for looking!

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